Printed Book
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Age: 2-10 Years

Number of Reviews: 132

Number of Pages: 27

If you do not care of your teeth, they will fall ill and eventually run away. The hero helps the fugitives and their negligent master to reunite.

letStel'ler Tips

All children know that they need to brush their teeth. But let's be honest with ourselves, most of them just play with their toothbrush and eat the delicious toothpaste. 😜 The purpose of this “dramatic” story is to convince the child to brush his or her teeth properly. Here is a story game that will help you consolidate the effect: as soon as the child decides that he or she has finished brushing his or her teeth, ask the teeth if they are happy. Tilt your head toward the child’s mouth and ask, “Teeth, are you clean? Teeth, are you happy? ” listen for the “answer,” and then repeat the teeth’s response to the child. If the teeth are not happy, then the child will have to brush them again. And be sure to remind the child of what happened to the lazy prince Henry!

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