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Age: 2-7 Years

Number of Reviews: 117

Number of Pages: 26

A monster attack is what happens if a child does not wash his or her hands. The child, along with the parents, fights and defeats the terrible Bacterium.
This is a very compelling way for children to learn how important it is to wash their hands.

letStel'ler Tips

This is a classic children’s scary story.
Why did we write a spooky story, and why are we scaring a child with it?
Let’s look at some of the things a child can often not do properly. If a child does not know or does not want to use the potty, he can use diapers (or even pee or poop right in his or her pants). The consequences of this won’t be so serious. If a child is naughty at bedtime and keeps you at his or her bedside telling story after story, this isn’t the easiest scenario, but it is one that eventually ends with the child falling asleep. If a child doesn’t brush his or her teeth before bed, this is by no means good, but it also isn’t dangerous if it happens on occasion... But unwashed, glossy hands can lead to big trouble, as your child can get seriously ill from dirty hands. So, this story’s goal of addressing this bad habit should be one that leaves an impression.
The child should feel safe in his or her story. Therefore, your child should never be the protagonist of this story. The main character can be somebody like your child in age and gender, and could maybe even be his or her avatar. But the protagonist should not have your child’s name. This will allow you to, on the one hand, keep your child outside of this scary story, and on another hand to link him or her to the protagonist, allowing you to say something like, 'oh look, this boy (or girl) is just like you!’ Why doesn’t he (or she) wash his (or her) dirty hands? It’s so dangerous!’
But just reading a fairy tale is not enough. Read the book and play the games included with the book to strengthen your child's new skills.

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