Printed Book
$ 29.99$ 13.99
$ 3.99$ 2.99

Age: 2-8 Years

Number of Reviews: 132

Number of Pages: 28

This book is for all boys and girls who love big cars. These stories, all different, will make their love of these giants come to life.

letStel'ler Tips

What is this story about and what can it teach your child?
  • This is a story about friendship, teams, and teamwork.
  • This is a story about diversity: your friends can be very different from you (big cars and a small child become friends).
  • This is a story that shows that asking for help and accepting help are not things to be ashamed of.
  • This is a story about how important it is not to be indifferent when someone is in trouble.
  • This is a story that shows that it is important that children should eat on time. (😜 )
But just reading a fairy tale is not enough. Read the book and play the games included with the book to strengthen your child's new skills.

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